Sunday, August 14, 2011

Marumo No Okite

Started watching this drama and I’ve watched only 4 episodes but I LOVE IT!!! The kids are so cute…even their acting is good and the story is great.
The story is about a guy called Mamoru taking in the twins [Kaoru and Tomoki] of his friend [Sasakura] after he passes away… and the talking dog which suddenly starts following them and ends up living with them…
Some parts were really so sweet and you feel really sad for the twins who had to be separated because the relatives couldn’t take in both the kids and how out of place they feel… Its also really nice the way the sister is always watching out for the brother…
 I highly recommend it…but I’ve just watched 4 episodes but still what the hell ne :)
You can download the drama |here|<< but you have to join the community… Enjoy :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Narrated Hudhaifa : Whenever the Prophet intended to go to bed, he would recite: "Bismika Allahumma amutu wa ahya (With Your name, O Allah, I die and I live)." And when he woke up from his sleep, he would say: "Al-hamdu lil-lahil-ladhi ahyana ba'da ma amatana; wa ilaihi an-nushur (All the Praises are for Allah Who has made us alive after He made us die (sleep) and unto Him is the Resurrection). "
Sahih Bukhari Volume 8, Book 75, Number 336  

Narrated Abu Huraira : The Prophet said, "When anyone of you go to bed, he should shake out his bed with the inside of his waist sheet, for he does not know what has come on to it after him, and then he should say: 'Bismika Rabbi wada'tu Janbi wa bika arfa'uhu, In amsakta nafsi farhamha wa in arsaltaha fahfazha bima tahfazu bihi ibadakas-salihin." 
[With Your Name, my Rabb, I place my side (upon the bed) and with Your Grace I will raise it up. If You withhold my soul (cause me to die), have mercy on it but if You let it go (let me live), guard it against which You guarded Your pious slaves]

Narrated 'Ali : Fatima complained about the blisters on her hand because of using a mill-stone. She went to ask the Prophet for servant, but she did not find him (at home) and had to inform 'Aisha of her need. When he came, 'Aisha informed him about it. Ali added: The Prophet came to us when we had gone to our beds. When I was going to get up, he said, "'Stay in your places," and sat between us, till I felt the coolness of the feet on my chest. The Prophet then said, "Shall I not tell you of a thing which is better for you than a servant? When you (both) go to your beds, say 'Allahu Akbar' thirty-four times, and 'Subhan Allah' thirty-three times, 'Alhamdu 'illah' thirty-three times, for that is better for you than a servant." Ibn Sirin said, "Subhan Allah' (is to be said for) thirty-four times." 

Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Whenever the Prophet (PBUH) went to his bed, he would say: "Al-hamdu lillah-illadhi at`amana wa saqana, wa kafana wa awana, fakam mimman la kafiya lahu wa la mu'wiya (Praise is due to Allah Who has fed us, provided us drink, satisfied us and gave us protection. Many are those who have no one to provide for them, or give them shelter).''

Hudhaifah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Whenever the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) intended to go to sleep, he would place his right hand under his (right) cheek and supplicate: "Allahumma qini `adhabaka yauma tab`athu `ibadaka (O Allah! Guard me against Your punishment on the Day when You will resurrect Your slaves).''
This site gives supplications before going to bed from hadiths and their commentary... Hope it helps |here|.Some other sites that give Sahih Bukhari hadiths... |here| or |here|

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Al Asma Ul Husna | Nasheed

I was trying to find the 99 names of Allah with the meanings and the names written in Arabic and I found a few sites… I would like to share it :)

These two sites have videos, the names of Allah written on both Arabic and English and the meanings of the names as well… click |here|or |here|. This site has the names of Allah only in English but it also gives the benefits of reciting the names of Allah |here|. Enjoy : )!!
Also I want to share some links of some really nice nasheeds…
Maula ya salli wa sallim |here|or |here|

Masha Allah really nice Nasheeds... Enjoy : )!!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ramadhan : )

Today being the first day of Ramadhan thought I’d share a little information regarding a few duas and surahs… Hope this helps i.a :).

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "He who utters: `Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi (Allah is free from imperfection and His is the praise)' one hundred times a day, his sins will be obliterated even if they are equal to the extent of the foam of the ocean.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

"There are two statements that are light for the tongue to remember, heavy in the Scales and are dear to the Merciful: `Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi, Subhan-Allahil-Azim [Glory be to Allah and His is the praise, (and) Allah, the Greatest is free from imperfection)'.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
Shaddad ibn Aws narrated that the Prophet [صلى الله عليه وسلم] said; "The most superior request for forgiveness is to say:

'Allaahmma anta rabbee laa elaaha illaa ant. Anta khalaqtanee wa ana 'abduka wa ana 'alaa 'ahdika wa wa'dika mastata't. A'oothu bika min sharri ma sana't. Aboo'u laka bi ni'matika alayya wa aboo'u laka bi thambee. Faghfir lee. Fa innahoo laa yaghfiruth-thunooba illaa ant.'

[O Allah, You are my Lord. There is no god besides You. You created me and I am Your servant, following your covenant and [my] promise to you as much as I can. I seek refuge in You from the evil that I have done. Before You I acknowledge Your blessings bestowed upon me and I confess my sins to You. So forgive me, for surely no one can forgive sins except You.]

The Prophet [صلى الله عليه وسلم] then added, 'anyone who says this during the day, firmly believing in it, and dies before the evening; or says it in the evening, firmly believing in it, and dies before the following morning, will be among the people of paradise.' "
[Sahih al-Bukhari, vol 8, pp212-3, no 318]


Recitations From the Quran
Recite last two verses of surah baqarah at night…As according to hadith it is reported on the authority of Ibn Mas’ud from Rasoolillah (SAW) that he said: “Whoever recited the last two verses of suratul baqarah at night, they will be sufficient for him.” [Bukhari]

It is also recommendable to read Aayathul about the vitues of it |here|
Also recite surahs: Kahf, Mulk, Sajdah, Waaqiah, Rahman, Ad Dhukhan and even Ya sin…
Check this link |here|… It gives the virtues of the Quran and the excellence of several surahs… Enjoy!!! :)