Sunday, August 14, 2011

Marumo No Okite

Started watching this drama and I’ve watched only 4 episodes but I LOVE IT!!! The kids are so cute…even their acting is good and the story is great.
The story is about a guy called Mamoru taking in the twins [Kaoru and Tomoki] of his friend [Sasakura] after he passes away… and the talking dog which suddenly starts following them and ends up living with them…
Some parts were really so sweet and you feel really sad for the twins who had to be separated because the relatives couldn’t take in both the kids and how out of place they feel… Its also really nice the way the sister is always watching out for the brother…
 I highly recommend it…but I’ve just watched 4 episodes but still what the hell ne :)
You can download the drama |here|<< but you have to join the community… Enjoy :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Narrated Hudhaifa : Whenever the Prophet intended to go to bed, he would recite: "Bismika Allahumma amutu wa ahya (With Your name, O Allah, I die and I live)." And when he woke up from his sleep, he would say: "Al-hamdu lil-lahil-ladhi ahyana ba'da ma amatana; wa ilaihi an-nushur (All the Praises are for Allah Who has made us alive after He made us die (sleep) and unto Him is the Resurrection). "
Sahih Bukhari Volume 8, Book 75, Number 336  

Narrated Abu Huraira : The Prophet said, "When anyone of you go to bed, he should shake out his bed with the inside of his waist sheet, for he does not know what has come on to it after him, and then he should say: 'Bismika Rabbi wada'tu Janbi wa bika arfa'uhu, In amsakta nafsi farhamha wa in arsaltaha fahfazha bima tahfazu bihi ibadakas-salihin." 
[With Your Name, my Rabb, I place my side (upon the bed) and with Your Grace I will raise it up. If You withhold my soul (cause me to die), have mercy on it but if You let it go (let me live), guard it against which You guarded Your pious slaves]

Narrated 'Ali : Fatima complained about the blisters on her hand because of using a mill-stone. She went to ask the Prophet for servant, but she did not find him (at home) and had to inform 'Aisha of her need. When he came, 'Aisha informed him about it. Ali added: The Prophet came to us when we had gone to our beds. When I was going to get up, he said, "'Stay in your places," and sat between us, till I felt the coolness of the feet on my chest. The Prophet then said, "Shall I not tell you of a thing which is better for you than a servant? When you (both) go to your beds, say 'Allahu Akbar' thirty-four times, and 'Subhan Allah' thirty-three times, 'Alhamdu 'illah' thirty-three times, for that is better for you than a servant." Ibn Sirin said, "Subhan Allah' (is to be said for) thirty-four times." 

Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Whenever the Prophet (PBUH) went to his bed, he would say: "Al-hamdu lillah-illadhi at`amana wa saqana, wa kafana wa awana, fakam mimman la kafiya lahu wa la mu'wiya (Praise is due to Allah Who has fed us, provided us drink, satisfied us and gave us protection. Many are those who have no one to provide for them, or give them shelter).''

Hudhaifah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Whenever the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) intended to go to sleep, he would place his right hand under his (right) cheek and supplicate: "Allahumma qini `adhabaka yauma tab`athu `ibadaka (O Allah! Guard me against Your punishment on the Day when You will resurrect Your slaves).''
This site gives supplications before going to bed from hadiths and their commentary... Hope it helps |here|.Some other sites that give Sahih Bukhari hadiths... |here| or |here|

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Al Asma Ul Husna | Nasheed

I was trying to find the 99 names of Allah with the meanings and the names written in Arabic and I found a few sites… I would like to share it :)

These two sites have videos, the names of Allah written on both Arabic and English and the meanings of the names as well… click |here|or |here|. This site has the names of Allah only in English but it also gives the benefits of reciting the names of Allah |here|. Enjoy : )!!
Also I want to share some links of some really nice nasheeds…
Maula ya salli wa sallim |here|or |here|

Masha Allah really nice Nasheeds... Enjoy : )!!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ramadhan : )

Today being the first day of Ramadhan thought I’d share a little information regarding a few duas and surahs… Hope this helps i.a :).

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "He who utters: `Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi (Allah is free from imperfection and His is the praise)' one hundred times a day, his sins will be obliterated even if they are equal to the extent of the foam of the ocean.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

"There are two statements that are light for the tongue to remember, heavy in the Scales and are dear to the Merciful: `Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi, Subhan-Allahil-Azim [Glory be to Allah and His is the praise, (and) Allah, the Greatest is free from imperfection)'.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
Shaddad ibn Aws narrated that the Prophet [صلى الله عليه وسلم] said; "The most superior request for forgiveness is to say:

'Allaahmma anta rabbee laa elaaha illaa ant. Anta khalaqtanee wa ana 'abduka wa ana 'alaa 'ahdika wa wa'dika mastata't. A'oothu bika min sharri ma sana't. Aboo'u laka bi ni'matika alayya wa aboo'u laka bi thambee. Faghfir lee. Fa innahoo laa yaghfiruth-thunooba illaa ant.'

[O Allah, You are my Lord. There is no god besides You. You created me and I am Your servant, following your covenant and [my] promise to you as much as I can. I seek refuge in You from the evil that I have done. Before You I acknowledge Your blessings bestowed upon me and I confess my sins to You. So forgive me, for surely no one can forgive sins except You.]

The Prophet [صلى الله عليه وسلم] then added, 'anyone who says this during the day, firmly believing in it, and dies before the evening; or says it in the evening, firmly believing in it, and dies before the following morning, will be among the people of paradise.' "
[Sahih al-Bukhari, vol 8, pp212-3, no 318]


Recitations From the Quran
Recite last two verses of surah baqarah at night…As according to hadith it is reported on the authority of Ibn Mas’ud from Rasoolillah (SAW) that he said: “Whoever recited the last two verses of suratul baqarah at night, they will be sufficient for him.” [Bukhari]

It is also recommendable to read Aayathul about the vitues of it |here|
Also recite surahs: Kahf, Mulk, Sajdah, Waaqiah, Rahman, Ad Dhukhan and even Ya sin…
Check this link |here|… It gives the virtues of the Quran and the excellence of several surahs… Enjoy!!! :)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Yasuko To Kenji

It’s a drama about 2 siblings who lost their parents and are living together. The brother, Kenji is a previous motor bike gang leader gave up on it to be a mangaka for his sister (Yasuko). The brother is over protective and the sister obviously doesn’t like it. Yasuko then starts liking a guy (Tsubaki) and his sister (Erika) ends up being in an ex-motor bike gang leader and for worst or for better she even loves Kenji.  The story revolves mainly around the siblings and love and work…
It’s a good drama…funny and entertaining. The only thing that really bothers me is the thing that each episode has a fighting scene at the end and the brother usually ends up appearing wearing his gang clothes…
Some of my favorite parts of the drama are the hilarious facial expressions the brother makes…
I also love the part Yasuko acts like her brother…
And Yasuko's hilarious imaginations of Tsubaki...
And finally Kenji's and Erika's looks as motor bike gang leaders and as ordinarily seen...

You can download the drama |here|. Enjoy : )!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Happy cafe | My Boss My Hero

Happy cafe
Completed reading Shiawase No Kissa Sanchoume/Happy cafe… but the ending was quite disappointing and it just ended so quickly… I mean the manga consists of 82 chapters altogether but the main couple didn’t have much time together…it was a really really sudden ending that it seemed like an ending for a one shot but overall its not that bad… its funny and quite entertaining : )... but the manga did cover everything that had begun like about shindou's family and even uru's father's that way it was quite satisfying.
 But I will always love the chibis of this manga... WAAA!! >0<
My Boss My Hero
Hilarious high school drama... started watching it recently but in episode 6 already... I love the yakuza way of talking... want to learn it...The main story is about a future yakuza boss (27 year old) who has to go to high school and graduate in order to become the boss… First he hates school but begins to learn different things like about friendship and love…
There are so much of hilarious facial expressions and the drama tries to teach some nice lessons so I LOVED THE DRAMA!! It was awesome : ) 
There are so many more hilarious faces but I can't remember in which eps those were from : )  

You can download the drama |here|

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Oresama Teacher | Islamic Videos

Oresama Teacher

Started reading oresama teacher again as I've forgotten the middle part of the story so thought I'd start from the first. As before it was hilarious!! As menioned in my previous post the characters and their different personalities add to the manga's story... Highly recommend it for those looking for a comedy manga... The drawings are good too...
Islamic Videos

Watching more Islamic videos these days... its interesting, informative and clears up doubts that are so wide spread... A few links...

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Age Of Dajjal | Karate

Age Of Dajjal
  Credits to google for the picture

Completed watching the Age Of Dajjal Volume 2 series and it was awesome...Its mainly an Islamic Documentary sort of thing  clearly explaining a few widely misunderstood matters ... a great volume. I watched a few parts of volume 1 and that was good too...

If you want to watch it... check it |here| or |here|... a few parts that are missing on youtube is available at the daily motion link given...
You can download Volume 2 of the series |here|

My sis's friend gave her another Islamic site...There are some very wonderful and heart warming stories...You can check it out |here|.. Enjoy : )!!


Went to karate today... Had my very first exams... It was sooo nerve wrecking... Ah... Hope I do well and go on to my next belt (i.a)... I did a few mistakes in the kata. But the black belters training looked rather challenging, tiring and fun.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Happy Cafe | Ryuusei No Kizuna

Happy Cafe [Shiawase Kissa Sanchoume]
A great romantic comedy manga..Love the story and the characters... The chibis are soooo KAWAIII!!! >O<.. The main story is about a 16 year old really short but extremely strong girl wanting to work in a cafe... She's kind of clumsy too... but then the story revolves around the cafe and the workers along with rivals and their families... I don't want to give too much away because I myself hate spoilers... but I highly recommend it  ^_^b !! The drawings are great too!!
From the left : Ichirou, Ichinose,Sou and Shindou
 The chibis!! But this isnt that great... You should read it to see all the cute chibis!!

You can read it |here| or |here|
You can download the manga |here|
Enjoy!! : )

Ryuusei No Kizuna
An awesome japanese drama... Its about 3 siblings seeking to take revenge from the person who killed their parents... The best thing about this drama is how the three siblings support each other and the twist in the last episode was sooo unexpected but great... Its also a very funny and entertaining drama!! I highly recommend this drama too : )!!! Love the scripts that Koichi writes and the last script where he himself had to act... Hilarious!!! I won't write anything more because I might reveal too much : )
 You can download the drama |here| or |here|

But check all parts before downloading because some parts of a few episodes didn't work... so please check all parts and then download : )!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

All the stuff that's happened

Yep loads of things... I'll start with the next day that we went shopping again at the same place but this time with sis as well and got more straps :).

The wonderful treat I got before my first paper and then again another treat... but loved it... The second one was even better... I WANT MORE!!! Thanks a lot datha :)
Picture taken from my sis's blog : )

Got 3 little kittens... I know kittens are generally little but these were ultra little when I found them... First brother found one of them on the roof and then after I came home after the exams I found 2 more... WAAAAA *O*...I LOVE MY BABIES!! My mother kept feeding them so much and they've got huge tummies now but I LOVE THEM ^3^... But sadly after taking care of them my mother wanted us to put them up on the roof again as they haven't been taught to litter properly so yeah... *teary eyes*... MY BABIES... Now, just two of them are left as my mother gave one of them away T^T. Their names are coke, mirinda and portello.. i know weird names..but still :)
From the left: coke, mirinda and portello
Coke napping... KAWAIII!!! >O<
And then some the dramas I didn't blog about...

My Girl
 I just absolutely loved the drama!! I recommend it to those who are looking for a romantic comedy. It was funny and the girl was absolutely hilarious and so cheerful!!! Hated both the second characters but they managed to be not so hate able at the end of the story... so yeah 

Secret Garden
Waaa!! WHY WOULDNT I LIKE IT!!!! STUNTS!!! I WANT TO DO STUNTS TOOOOO!!! I loved the acting skills...specially Gil Raim crying scenes and the Kim Joo Won's elevator scene... I absolutely love when the two of them switch bodies... so hilarious... even the tongue twister that Kim Joo Won uses... I really want to learn it too!! I'd recommend this to everyone who enjoys romantic comedy dramas and this has a touch of fantasy to it too

My Princess  
It was quite entertaining... Hated Oh Yoon Joo as she was trying to hog 2 guys to herself for no apparent reason..*sign* but that's how a second character should be so yeah... 

Marry Me Mary / Mary Stayed Out All Night
I absolutely advice you to stay away from this drama.. the first episode was great and maybe I was expecting too much but afterwards it was a total let down... specially after the ep 9 I think but then it becomes really funny for I think 2 more episodes and that's it...Nothing much to say so yeah... but if you don't mind a few let downs here and there then maybe you can try it... :)

My Fair Lady
Overall it was a good drama and I'd say it was quite entertaining... and rather than a proud and full of oneself male main character... this drama shows a female main character... 

Sorry that my opinion on the dramas aren't that long and convincing because it's been a long time since I watched these... But they were all pretty entertaining :).

You can try downloading them |here| or |here|

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

EXAMS!!! -.-"

Been having exams for a really long time now (mocks and then the actual main exams with only about 2weeks in between them)... no actual long break for me to blog... I've been stuck with my books... And all the pressure...IYAAA!!! *die stress* The papers were overall not that bad... So I hope all A's (i.a) :). I still have two more papers to go so my post is not exactly long as I thought it would be *grins*.I'll post all the stuff I missed out on telling you after the exams okay? :)
Though the stuff we learn is not as simple as alphabets and letters as shown in the picture...I thought what the hell I'll go with this picture.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Run and catches | Shopping with mum

Went to karate after 4 weeks because I had mocks :( and had fun... played run and catches, even sir joined in playing... was so fun... I feel so refreshed after practicing karate after so long :)  
Went shopping with mum and got stuff... I was so shocked to find so many Japanese stuff... I even got a ball just cause it had 'Bakugan'.. though i knew nothing of it I got it just cause it was Japanese... WAAAH :D.

BMICH has such a nice view... so much greenery... they've even planted sunflowers... so nice... so refreshing XD
 Sorry that dumb sister's KAT-TUN calender is there... Burn KAT-TUN calender!!! *breathes fire*

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Its pretty late to be blogging about this but what the hell... I want to so ya :).
Went shopping with my sis and mother. I finally got the file that I was looking for, one where I can dump all the papers I have of all my subjects... so convenient :).

I also got a really cute phone pouch... YAY!! I love it!!
(I named her Riko)
I found this really awesome day planner but it was quite expensive so I didn'y buy it...but now I REGRET IT!! I keep wanting it so badly now!!! :(

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Oresama Teacher!

I started reading oresama teacher again because it has been a really long time since I read it and couldn't exactly remember the whole story... but reading it was so much fun!!
I love the drawings in the manga and the all sort of weird people in it like the extremely slow type, Hayasaka... the really cold and barely kind type that makes you hope to see more of his softer side, Takaomi... the olden style yet hilarious type, okegawa... and Mafyuu (main girl characters) still hanging around (once in a while) previous idiotic yet strong followers.

I highly recommend this as well to those who want to enjoy a hilarious high school comedy manga :)
You can read this manga online at mangafox, the updates of the new chapters seem to be coming in very soon *eyes shining*.

Click |here| or |here|to read the manga and click |here| to download manga

ENJOY!! :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Teaching & Learning!

Today I was helping my friend in chemistry... LOVED IT!! I mean when someone gets what I teach it makes me so happy : )...  It was so much fun... I felt just a little bit... I mean a tiny bit... like I would actually have the courage to teach more people : )...
And yeah, I learned to make tea, I know that's weird because I'm 17 already but its never to late *smiles nervously*. So yeah, first my mum taught me and I tried it again and my mum told it was good. YAY!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Crush On You : Part Four

Why am I still here? Hikari thought to herself as she was standing in class even after all the other students had left and she then recalled, Yes... Its because Shin, her classmate had wanted to talk to her.

I'm going to be late to the van again... Hikari thought when she heard footsteps and Shin then stood at the entrance. But he didn't say anything, he stood there for what almost seemed an hour and he occasionally looked up at Hikari.

"Umm... I have to hurry, Shin-kun... My van would leave me otherwise," She explained.
"I-I..." He stammered and then looking up directly into Hikari's eyes he confessed,"I like you, Hikari. So would you go out with me."

Hikari's eyes widened and she was dumbfounded. But Shin didn't wait for her reply, he dashed out of class as soon as the word of his confession slipped his mouth.

What am I supposed to say? Was I just confessed to? Hikari thought confused at the sudden turn of events when she heard footsteps again and this time it was Mai.

"You're late! Hurry up!!" Mai exclaimed pulling Hikari who was still confused.

The next day as all of them were on their way to class...

"You were confessed to!" Shizuo exclaimed.
"Who was it?" Sakura asked curiously.
"Shin," she replied shortly.
"Shin? You mean the Shin from our class?" Akira asked and Hikari nodded.
"He's such a weirdo... You are planning on rejecting him, aren't you?" Akira asked.
"Obviously," Hikari replied assuredly.

When Hikari looked ahead she saw the guy from yesterday, she quickly turned around and grabbed Mai's bag.
"Oi, what-" Mai spoke surprised.
"We have physics now, so see you guys later," She then rushed pulling Mai.
"What was that just now?" Riko asked.
"I think I know why..." Sakura said as she looked ahead and saw the guy.
"Hikari should really scrap this plan of hers... I don't think this is going to work for too long... I mean avoiding him is not going to work, I suppose," Kyouko sighed.

"He was there! I didn't even notice... Hikari," Mai apologized and Hikari nodded
"But how long are you going to keep dodging him?"
"As long as I can," Hikari replied.

The two of them entered the physics class and took their seat.          
"He's absent!" Hikari yelled aloud.
"Yes, yes, we get it..." Mai said laughing and taking her seat.
"Come over here, Mai," Hikari called as she took her seat next to Koizumi, Kyouko and Misaki, Mai followed her lead and sat next to Hikari.
"So today let's have a discussion," Koizumi said smiling. 
"Discussion?" Kyouko questioned.
"Yep!" Koizumi replied.

The discussion was no more than their perverted ideas, so much so that they wrapped up their ideas with those of nursery rhymes.

"They are nursery rhymes...the purest form for children and you guys are corrupting that as well... unbelievable," Kyouko commented.
"Yeah... now even I'm feeling grossed out," Misaki said looking exhausted.
"Whoever called Koizumi innocent," Hikari said laughing.
"I am innocent..." Koizumi said trying to put up an innocent act.
"That's not going to work anymore," Hikari said.
"You guys..." Mai said sighing.

The bell rang and Hikari, Mai and Kyouko returned to class where they saw Shin seated.

"Shin, could I have a word with you?" Hikari asked and the two of them walked outside.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

A day out!

After a really long time my family with the exception of my brother went out yesterday (brother was tired after the party the day before so yeah). We first went checked out our land. It looked like a mini jungle!! Loved it!! And in the vicinity of our land there's a children's park and it is I think, by far the best park I've seen (M.A). I really badly wanted to play but my parents didn't allow it *sob sob*. 

Afterwards we headed to a shop and guess what I saw... L and Naruto key chains!! I obviously don't care that I found the Naruto one, but I still got both the key chains. I even got the Naruto one because its an anime after all. And my sis found cute hello kitty ear studs so I got that as well :). And the irony of the packaging of the Naruto key chain is that Ichigo was posing and for the L one, it was Light but that at least that makes sense  because both L and Light are from the same anime but what the hell's the combination of Naruto and Ichigo *sigh*.
I know L i supposed to have black hair but they've given him brown hair *sigh* but it still looks like L so what the hell, ne? :) Oh yeah I googled anime key chain and found the same two key chains...
I combined both the pictures I found :)
The top part of the packaging.
Then we got burgers to eat and went to our relatives house which he haven't visited for a really long time. Overall my day yesterday was different compared to my usual boring days and I LOVED IT!! ; )